September 14, 2005


As I noted yesterday, George W. Bush has stepped up and accepted responsibility for the federal government's failures in response to Katrina. It's a historic event in this presidency. But it won't mean beans unless Bush backs it up.

If Bush truly means to accept responsibility, he must vigorously spearhead the effort to conduct a thorough, independent investigation. He must dispense with the ridiculous notion that the White House is going to conduct said investigation. It must be a truly independent body with qualified, intelligent, integrity-laden men, as was the 9/11 Commission.

I would suggest asking former FEMA Director James Lee Witt to at least be on the commission, if not to lead it. Such a move would lend the commission instant credibility and would readily show that Bush intends this to be more than a posh kangaroo court.

Bush must testify. Live. Under oath. On camera. Alone. (And yes, so should the mayor and the governor.)

Then and only then should the American public fully accept the president's claim of responsibility.

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