October 12, 2005

Donkey Honkeys

I spend a lot of time on this little soapbox talking about how annoyed I am with the Republicans that I forget to mention that I'm annoyed with my homies in the Democratic party, too.

Like the bizarre little pineapple we find ourselves in regarding the Miers nomination. We overwhelmingly opposed Roberts on solely political grounds despite that the man was smarter than the whole Judiciary Committee and Carl Sagan with one foot strapped to his head whilst bowling. So, as it happens, Bush's second choice is a very nice lady who considered him to be the "best governor ever," which makes her a braindamaged sycophant, besides being someone with no intellectual or professional background in constitutional law. But we opposed Roberts despite his outstanding qualifications. How can we now oppose this lady by claiming that she's not qualified?

And, like, how can we run anyone in 2008 who has voted for the war? And why did those Democrats vote for the war, anyhow? Upon more reflection, I'm convinced that this is what did Kerry in. He voted for the war but ran opposing it, and that contradiction made him look really, really silly. So, he lost.

If only there were a senator who had the sense to vote for a qualified Supreme Court nominee when he's sittin' there who ALSO voted against the Iraq resolution. If only, if only, if only.

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