February 26, 2010

Drat. Kentucky Wins, 82-61

The Huffington Post reports that Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky is an asshole. Surprised?
Jim Bunning, a Republican from Kentucky, is single-handedly blocking Senate action needed to prevent an estimated 1.2 million American workers from prematurely losing their unemployment benefits next month. As Democratic senators asked again and again for unanimous consent for a vote on a 30-day extension Thursday night, Bunning refused to go along. And when Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) begged him to drop his objection, Politico reports, Bunning replied: "Tough shit."
Actually, I kind of like him.
Bunning says he doesn't oppose extending benefits—he just doesn't want the money that's required added to the deficit. He proposes paying for the 30-day extension with stimulus funds. The Senate's GOP leadership did not support him in his objections.
Again, where the fuck was Jim Bunning and the rest of these defecit "hawks" (this term is especially offensive to the greatest junior welterweight boxer in the world) when Gorge Dubya Boosh was Preznit?
And at one point during the debate, which dragged on till nearly midnight, Bunning complained of missing a basketball game.
Okay, that I can totally understand dude. Totally.
"I have missed the Kentucky-South Carolina game that started at 9:00," he said, "and it's the only redeeming chance we had to beat South Carolina since they're the only team that has beat Kentucky this year.
Not that it matters anyway because eventually your Cocks may have to face the Jayhawks, so, you know. Tough shit.
The unemployment rate in Kentucky is 10.7 percent.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That is all.

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