March 26, 2010

Bring It On

There is a dumbass GOOP blogger in Alabama who is telling everyone to throw bricks through the windows of Democratic Party offices. The reasoning is that if they throw bricks now, we will all be scared into reestablishing the neofacist Mecca of George W.Busch. If we do not heed their warnings, they will shoot us with their guns. This guy, whose name is Mike Vanderbooger, had urged all his patrons to restore their arsenals, be sure they have plenty of provisions at hand, and prepare for revolution. Three million patriots, he claims, are cleaning their guns and preparing for war. I really don't expect much to come of this. There are only cowards in Alabama… a fact they amply demonstrated by quivering in their boots over the prospect of having terrorist trials in New York. Be that as it may, Mr. Vanderbooger's "knuckle under or we will kill you" threats sound very familiar. House GOOP leader John Boner said Ohio Democratic Representative Steve Driehaus may be a "dead man" if he goes home to his district. Last year Boner, speaking before a hysterical crowd of dumbass rednecks who were shouting "Bring Out Pelosi" (they apparently had plans for the speaker), urged them on, shouting that "Pelosicare is the greatest threat to freedom that I have seen in the 19 years I've been in Washington." (He apparently missed the part about Busch's laws allowing federal agents to sneak into your house and wiretap your phones at will.) Representative Michelle Bachmann (GOOP-MI) has suggested that a revolution is necessary every now and then (and seems to think this may be a good time for one.) She has also said her constituents should be "armed and dangerous." Rep. Steve Kling (GOOP IA) complemented the work of the guy who crashed his plane into the IRS building in Austin, TX. On the Senate side, Sen. Tom Cobman of Texas vowed to take vengeance on any Congressman who votes for the health care bill by refusing to allow him or her to be get a federal appointment if they ever need one. Sen. Jim Demented (GOOP-SC) said last summer, "It's the people's government. And the people are going to have to take it back." And of course Sara Paling has suggested that her minions "need to reload." The attitude of these dumbasses, most of them from the south, reminds me of the hotheads who led the southern states into treason in 1860. They were sure to a man that any southern gentleman was the equal of a hundred Yankees, and all they had to do was make a show of force and the Union would dissolve. These calculations were wrong headed and crazy in 1860, and they are wrongheaded and crazy today. I cannot imagine that the government doesn't already have a number of these nutjobs in its sights. Moreover not all liberals are going to be pushed around by a bunch of right wing thugs, and I suspect this nut Vanderbooger may have sounded the alarm. In the words of the Great Moron, "Bring it On."

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