March 10, 2010

Cylons Look Like Us Now

The lead story in today's edition of The Washington Post And Shitty Corporate Mouthpiece is all about the arrest of a petite white blonde Amurkin lady from Pennsylvania of all places who was apparently plotting a little jihad of her own. Now, the impression I get from the story is that she was just some frakking moron who probably couldn't blow up a balloon. Most of these cases are like that. Face it. Anyone possessing any modicum of intellectual power does not consider murder, or bombing, or flying planes into buildings to be a reasonable avocation. You can tell me until you're blue that the Unabomber was a child prodigy and all that, I don't care. He was still a damned moron. Anyway, I don't know why this story merits attention above the fold on the front page of The Washington Post And Shitty Corporate Mouthpiece. We here at the imaginary think-tank Crack Whores for Good Government have said ever since September 2001 that "fighting" "terrorism" was a stupid vapid stupid dumb stupid notion, especially if one for some reason elevates as more deadly the brand of terrorism exercised by brown people who do not eat meat of the cloven-footed beasts. Terrorism is any moron with a bomb and a dream. Why is this such a shocker now?

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