March 8, 2010

Let Your Fingers Do The Walking

Have just called my senators and my congressman regarding health care reform. I find it helps to open with a question for the staffer you're talking to. My question today was, where is so-and-so on health care reform right now? Answers from senators Webb and Warner's staff were the same: The senator voted for the Senate version of the bill but has not issued a statement regarding reconciliation. I then told the staffers that I support efforts to pass the bill using reconciliation and encouraged them to sign on to the Bennet letter. My congressman, Jim Moran, of course is representing his district well, being on the record for the reconciliation process. I told the staffer that I supported that position and also thanked the Congressman again for voting against the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. I thank him for this every time I see him or contact his office. Every time. If you're in Virginia/NoVa and feel like giving these nice people a call, here are the numbers: Sen. Webb: 202/224-4024 Sen. Warner: 202/224-2023 Congressman Moran: 202/225-4376

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