June 9, 2010

Arkansas Runoff

Couple notes on the Atkansas runoff. First, a look at the primary vote should tell anyone that the swing vote was going to be the many people who voted for the very conservative third candidate, and they were likely to vote for Liincoln if they voted, which rhey apparently did. So this shouldn't be a surprise, regardless what the pungents say. Second, a lot is being made of the Garland County vote suppression scam. I still think its voter suppression, and I still think that stinks, but Lincoln only trailed in the Garland county primary by 600 votes, and the conservative candidate got 1,800. Lincoln won the runoff with a 10,000 vote margin. Garland County couldn't have given Halter an edge big enough to win in any case. Third, Bill Clinton will have a hard time getting off my shit list for having supported Blanche.

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