June 7, 2010

Ohio 2004 All Over Again

If you need proof that Blanche Lincoln is a Gooper check out the latest voter suppression scheme at work in Arkansas. Lincoln, the party insider and corporate representative to Big Pharma, has gotten the Garland County elections commissioner to help out by reducing the number of voting places in that key district. Garland is, naturally, the one of the districts where Lincoln's opponent Bill Halter has substantial support. For the primary, they had 42 voting places. For the run-off tomorrow, they have two. Charles Tapp, who heads the election commission in Garland County, told the voters they could vote early, starting Saturday. Then they showed up and learned that was a lie. No early voting. Apparently that is not even legal in Arkansas. Tapp is appointed by the Democratic machine i.e. Blanche Lincoln. Garland is one of the top five counties by voting population, with more than 12,000 Democratic Party voters in the primary. Halter won it with 44 percent of the vote. Lincoln had 40 percent and D.C. Morrison, an arch-conservative, had 15 percent. Lincoln got the most primary votes with 145,000; Harter had 138.000. Morrison got 42,000, enough to tip the runoff balance either way. The leaders split most of the large counties closely, but Lincoln carried Pulaski County (Little Rock), by a significant margin, 52 to Halter's 40 percent. Thus, Lincoln has an edge, but it will be a tight election. (Morrison voters are a wild card. Will they vote? If their vote was a protest, will they use it against Lincoln? If they are real conservatives, will they vote against the Progressive?) Thus, keeping a few hundred Halter voters from the polls can only benefit one candidate. That's the way the GOOP does business. That is how The Moron George Dubya Busch got into office in 2000 and 2004. We would be much better off if Blanche Lincoln came clean and joined the GOOP.

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